Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Deaf and the (Sic) Man

While Tajik Air is short on some amenities that you would expect an airline to offer its customers (a reservation system, for instance), it does have its own in-flight magazine, with an assortment of articles in Russian, Tajik and English. My favorite was a piece on Rumi, the Persian mystic and poet who was born on the territory of modern-day Tajikistan 800 years ago. I offer an excerpt, with a big preemptive (sic):

In his short stories [Rumi] invites people to study and there is no better way for human than knowledge. Here below I tell you the story about deaf and a sick man in brief: Once a deaf man's beibour became ill, naturally the deaf man wanted to go and pay a visit to his neighbour So one day he thought to himself and prepared questions, simultenuously answers to his questions and went to see his ill neibour:
Deaf. Hello.
Sick. Hi.
D. How are you feeling? Are you going to be better?
S. No I feel myself worse and worse every day.
Deaf. Oh its wonderful.
D. Who is your doctor?
S. Azroil 1(According to islam a person who comes to dieing man and take his or her soul)
D,He is the best doctor.
What's your medicine?
S.Zahru zuqum (such fruit people eat in hell)


Art Largess said...

They have fruit in hell???

Well, I'll be damned! (Pun intended.)

Peter said...

such fruit people eat in hell

great name for a metal band.